[conlang_learners] Length of time to learn

Olivier Simon cafaristeir at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 14 09:47:47 PDT 2009

Re-sellamat !
The distinction between auxlang and artlang is not always easy as I know it from my own experience: Sambahsa is itself a mixture of reconstructed language and of auxlang (better: "worldlang", i.e. an auxlang that goes beyond Europe) and was sometimes called an artlang, as it is capable of artistic creations. 
Even complexity can't make the distinction, as some "pure" auxlangs can be incredibly difficult. Outside Sambahsa, my preference goes to reasonably learnable conlangs; I had already experienced Brithenig, Frenkish, Vorlin and some Adelic. For my own fun, I have created three elvish languages, one scandinavian artlang and two other ones based on old IE (one of them was the ancestor of Sambahsa). 
Many writings in sambahsa are available in the files section here: 
and show that auxlanging and artlanging are not exclusive of each other. 

--- On Tue, 7/14/09, Roger Mills <rfmilly at msn.com> wrote:

From: Roger Mills <rfmilly at msn.com>
Subject: Re: [conlang_learners] Length of time to learn
To: conlang_learners at conlang.org
Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 9:23 AM

#yiv2137381560 .hmmessage P
#yiv2137381560 {

> Straw poll: how many of you have a strong preference for an artlang
> over any possible auxlang, or for an auxlang (or a simple artlang?)
> over more complex artlangs?

I'd prefer an artlang, somewhere between simple and complex....

Paul Roser wrote:

"I prefer IPA to fauxnetics, and I prefer more exotic-sounding, phonetically and phonologically interesting languages (Klingon, Teonaht, Ithkuil, and things like that)."

I agree with this, although fauxnetics can be useful, especially if the phonology is relatively straightforward.

"However, since we will primarily be writing, rather than speaking...," 

While this is true, I think we should aim for at least some speaking ability

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