[conlang_learners] Length of time to learn

Roger Mills rfmilly at msn.com
Tue Jul 14 09:23:23 PDT 2009

> Straw poll: how many of you have a strong preference for an artlang
> over any possible auxlang, or for an auxlang (or a simple artlang?)

> over more complex artlangs?

I'd prefer an artlang, somewhere between simple and complex....

Paul Roser wrote:
"I prefer IPA to fauxnetics, and I prefer more exotic-sounding, phonetically and phonologically interesting languages (Klingon, Teonaht, Ithkuil, and things like that)."

I agree with this, although fauxnetics can be useful, especially if the phonology is relatively straightforward.

"However, since we will primarily be writing, rather than speaking...," 

While this is true, I think we should aim for at least some speaking ability
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