[conlang_learners] Thoughts 2

Olivier Simon cafaristeir at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 13 05:04:21 PDT 2009

Re-sellamat !
As for Frenkish, D.Parke keeps on increasing the vocabulary; he even accepted a few neologisms from my own translations. 
The dissonances between romance languages can be levelled if the auxlang has a good derivational system, like Occidental. Nevertheless, I agree that interferences remain... 
I share the opinion that learning a romanolang would be of little interest (but should we include there Brithenig, which is grammatically a Romance language ?)
The romance vocabulary is important and it can't be entirely discarded in an auxlang deviced for international communication (even in Sambahsa, one third of the vocabulary is Romance); but there is no reason to consider the whole of Romance vocabulary to be international; it applies essentially to the technical and scientifical vocabulary. 

--- On Sat, 6/13/09, James Montgomery <dreamripple at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: James Montgomery <dreamripple at yahoo.com>
Subject: [conlang_learners] Thoughts 2
To: conlang_learners at conlang.org
Date: Saturday, June 13, 2009, 4:50 AM

I definitely agree that Frenkish is much better to look at and probably easier to remember. A quick browse also showed that the creator is encouraging vocabulary building, although I didn't see the mechanics involved in doing so. A huge plus!

I did have another thought as well, after reading the post of Our Father in Sambhasa. I'm also a troller of language learning forums and have seen that people usually have trouble remembering the distinctions in vocabulary between two similar languages. Spanish and Portuguese for example, are frequently mixed up with each other by non-native speakers. Pick any IE Romance language and you'll get a similar situation.

My point is that we probably shouldn't piggy-back Romlangs. That's all.

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