[LCS News] 4th Language Creation Conference - Call for Papers

Language Creation Society lcs at conlang.org
Fri Jan 7 19:30:41 PST 2011

conference at conlang.org

The Language Creation Society (LCS) is currently accepting proposals
for talks, workshops, and posters for the 4th Language Creation
Conference (LCC4).

LCC4 will be held May 14-15 2011, in Groningen, the Netherlands, under
the local direction of Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets, at the Infrahuis

Groningen is within easy travel of all of Europe, and we hope that all
European conlangers will attend. More information will be forthcoming
soon, on the LCC website and via email, on ticket prices/pre-sale,
accommodations, travel suggestions, etc.

If you want to be informed of this and other LCS news, please join our
very low-traffic news mailing list


About the LCC:

The Language Creation Conference is the first and only international
conference discussing issues related to the craft of language
creation, or "conlanging". It includes both fairly technical
linguistic discussions as well as more artistic, sociological, or
philosophical ones; examples of craft in action; voices from many
parts of the conlanging community; and people from all over the world.
The conference is open to the public. Preregistration requested.
Lunch, snacks, and opportunities to socialize with fellow conlangers
will be provided. All proceeds go to the LCS.

All presentations are generally in English.

The Language Creation Society is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 California-based
non-profit corporation with 13 international board members. Its goal
is to promote conlangs and conlanging through offering platforms for
conlangers to publish high-quality work of interest to the community,
raising awareness about conlanging amongst the general public,
organizing work for professional conlangers and people in the
entertainment industry interested in adding more depth to their
alternative worlds, and providing a central place for reliable
contacts and information to those seeking to learn more.

Presentation types:

"Full talks" are up to 45 minutes long (including Q&A), and strongly
encouraged to address some issue relevant to the craft of language
creation itself, or of broad interest to conlangers.

"Short talks" are up to 15 minutes long (including Q&A), and are
typically discuss interesting work in a particular conlang (of any
variety), without necessarily making a larger point.

"Posters" include essentially any unattended displayable object that
pertains to our topic and will fit within the conference space. LCC3
included everything from hand-embroidered gowns to original,
wall-sized collage art (both in their respective conlangs); printed
poetry; books; hand-made conworld art; and a full library exhibit. All
conlangers, and especially all attendees, should consider contributing
something. Being available to explain or elaborate on the display is
desirable but not required. If necessary, the LCS may be able to cover
costs of shipping and printing; please email to check.

"Workshops" are any hands-on activity where all attendees participate
in something that will help them be better conlangers, and are
typically limited to 2 hours.

More or less time may be allotted depending on organizational needs
and the particular topics involved. Presenters are urged to contact us
early on in their process for feedback.

All accepted presenters are encouraged (but not required) to
contribute a corresponding paper to the upcoming Journal of the
Language Creation Society, _Fiat Lingua_. Papers should generally be
under 10 pages, and preferably submitted as a simple Google document,
though other formats may be accepted if needed. Papers are subject to
editing and review; copyediting and formatting will be handled by
journal staff.

To submit a presentation:

Please email a title, abstract, bio, any relevant links, preferred day
of attendance/presentation, and a description of any support needed
(from sponsorship to technology), to conference at conlang.org. Please
feel free to submit multiple proposals.

Submissions are not required to be 100% formal or set in stone. All
submissions must be related to language creation to be considered, but
beyond that, a very wide range of formats and topics is encouraged
including technical papers on (regular/socio-/inter-/etc-)linguistics,
research papers involving created languages or language acquisition
(such as in cognitive science and developmental or cognitive
linguistics), theoretical innovations or philosophical considerations
of the craft, reviews of certain kinds of conlangs, presentations of
conlang-related art, small presentations or posters about the
particularly delightful features of your latest work-in-progress,
conlang-related games and humor, etc.

It is the goal of the LCS to provide a forum that unites and is
relevant to the entire language creation community. We care, first and
foremost, that presentations have direct relevance to the craft of
conlanging. We are neutral to whether they are based on art-, aux-,
enge-, log-, nat-, or other- language examples, and encourage all
members of the community to submit talks on their favorite aspects of
the field.

Unsure of what to speak about or whether your proposed talk is
appropriate? You can view presentations and see schedules of programs
from previous Language Creation Conferences on the LCS Podcast or
official Language Creation Conference site. Please note that LCS is
seeking to diversify the offerings at the conferences, so if in doubt,
please submit, and the LCS will work with you to tune your proposal to
our audience.

We will consider presentations given via teleconferencing, though we
can't guarantee that the technology will be available. If this
interests you, please submit a proposal.

Please note that LCC4 is being held in Europe, so submissions from
that region are highly encouraged. Those proposals not accepted for
LCC4 may be considered for future conferences.

If you have any questions about giving a presentation, a workshop, or
talk at this or any future LCC, please contact us at
conference at conlang.org.

conference at conlang.org

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