[conlang_learners] permission

Jim Henry jimhenry1973 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 13:43:58 PDT 2009

2009/9/2 Olivier Simon <cafaristeir at yahoo.com>:

> (Of course, you can choose only conlangs whose creators are very available,
> like Sambahsa...)

In Georgia, there is a law about compaigning within 200 feet of a
polling station on election day. :)

I will just list the conlangs whose creators are available, those who
have given permission but don't promise to be availalble, and those
who haven't replied to our requests for permission -- in alphabetical
order in each set:

Creator definitely available:

* Arthaey Angosii (Asha'ille)
* Ashucky (Laefèvæšii)
* Padraic Brown (Kerno)
* David Edwards (Feayran)
* Tony Harris (Alurhsa)
* Jim Henry (gjâ-zym-byn)
* Dayle Hill (Dalcurian)
* Roger Mills (Kash)
* Bill Price (Vabungula)
* John Quijada (Ithkuil and Ilaksh)
* Mark Rosenfelder (Verdurian)
* Olivier Simon (Sambahsa)
* Larry Sulky (Ilomi and Qakwan)
* Taliesin/Kaleissin (Taruven)

Conlang availble, creator maybe available:

* Bruce Gilson et alia (Voksigid)
* Jim Hopkins (Itlani)
* Andrew Smith (Brithenig)
* Sylvia Sotomayor (Kēlen)

In addition, Tony Harris knows Itlani and is willing to help us with
that as well as/instead of Alurhsa.  Jim Hopkins said he would send us
any Itlani documentation we want, but he hasn't replied to my email of
August 19 where I asked him for it.

Conlang available, creator probably not:

* Rick Harrison (Vorlin)
* Suzette Haden Elgin (Láadan)

Creator hasn't responded yet:

* Sally Caves (Teonaht)
* Carsten Becker (Ayeri)
* Matthew Pearson (Tokana)
* Gary Shannon et alia (Kalusa)
* Andrew ___? (Kelanian)

Given the circumstances under which Kalusa was created, I don't think
it's exclusively Gary's; a dozen or more people contributed to it.

Creator not contactable:

* Jeffrey Henning (Fith)
* S.A. MacLagan (Adelic)
* David Parke (Frenkisch)

Jim Henry

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