[conlang_learners] khanjis in Sambahsa

Philip Newton philip.newton at gmail.com
Sat Jul 25 10:42:07 PDT 2009

2009/7/25 Eugene Oh <un.doing at gmail.com>:
> 赤 and 犬 both are still current, and still mean "red" and "dog" in Chinese.

Ah, I suppose I was confused because they're not the "default" words
for those meanings, as I learned them (that would be 紅 and 狗,
respectively). I didn't know that the other characters are also used.

I'm not sure whether 冰 would be understood in Japanese, though -- nor
do I know whether the Japanese 氷 is a separate character or just a
glyph variant of the Chinese one.

Philip Newton <philip.newton at gmail.com>

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