[conlang_learners] khanjis in Sambahsa

Philip Newton philip.newton at gmail.com
Sat Jul 25 02:12:31 PDT 2009

2009/7/25 Olivier Simon <cafaristeir at yahoo.com>:
> The idea is to use single "khanjis" when they're common to both Mandarin and Japanese (minor modifications can be accepted if there is no problem of identification).

If you want forms that are common to both, I'd recommend that you use
traditional characters; they're the "ancestors" of both Japanese and
Chinese simplified characters.

So 鹤 鲛 亀 歯 猫 浅 軽 --> 鶴 鮫 龜 齒 貓 淺 輕 .

(BTW, "kanji" doesn't have an H in it.)

> I will amend the webpage according to your remarks. If you know resources on the net that may be useful for me, don't hesitate to forward them to me !

If you want Japanese words, consider using Jim Breen's EDICT
Japanese-English dictionary -- available, for example, through the
WWWJDIC site http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/cgi-bin/wwwjdic.cgi?1C

There, you can search for English keywords, look up the kanji records
for kanji in search results, search for kanji in various ways, etc.

Philip Newton <philip.newton at gmail.com>

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