[conlang_learners] shortlist

Jim Henry jimhenry1973 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 20 10:54:19 PDT 2009

2009/6/20 kate rhodes <masukomi at masukomi.org>:

> I just added Láadan to the list.

I thought briefly about nominating it, but I had the impression that
it already has a certain number of speakers -- fewer than Lojban or
Toki Pona, but more than any of the other conlangs we've considered,
so maybe outside our charter, so to speak...   Still, it's a
well-developed conlang that's niftily unusual and looks speakable, so
it suits all our other criteria.

Looking at the website, I can tell that it has a number of people
besides the creator who are seriously interested in it -- I knew that
already from other sources -- but I can't find any information about
how many of them (if any?) can speak it, or just read and write it
with reasonable fluency.   It wasn't obvious at first where Láadan
speakers (or just learners) hang out; it turns out the web fora and
mailing lists are under "Links".

One of them appears to be a broken link (the Feminist SF Láadan
forum); the Yahoo group's archives aren't public, and I don't have
time to join it to look at the archives at the moment, but will do so
later.  The LiveJournal Láadan community is low-activity (the last 19
posts go back almost two years), and except for translation exercises
and greetings, it looks like all the conversation is in English.
Still, it has far more of a community built around it than any of the
other conlangs we've considered.

Jim Henry

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