[conlang_learners] gzb's corpus (was Re: Welcome, and some proposals for what conlang to learn)

Philip Newton philip.newton at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 11:52:43 PDT 2009

2009/6/15 Jim Henry <jimhenry1973 at gmail.com>:
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 6:53 AM, Philip Newton<philip.newton at gmail.com> wrote:
>> FWIW, I also made a gzb keyboard layout for vim and one for
>> Firefox+Transliterator, if you're interested in either of them.
> Definitely in the latter -- and though I wouldn't use the first, I
> could put in on my website where other people might eventually find a
> use for it.

I've uploaded them to http://conlang.mizinamo.org/gzb/ .

- gzb_utf-8.vim is the vim keyboard layout (it goes in the "keymap"
directory of your local vim files).

- gzb-ffx.txt is a text file explaining how to get Firefox +
Transliterator Add-on to produce gzb-Unicode by entering gzb-ASCII.
(The Transliterator Add-on can also transliterate and de-transliterate
blocks of text, so you could select a whole block of gzb-ASCII and
convert it to gzb-Unicode in one go, or vice versa.)

- gzb-windows-keyboard.zip is my attempt at a Windows keyboard using
MSKLC. It's not particularly useful as it is, since it makes nearly
all keys dead keys. But perhaps someone would like to hack on it. Both
the KLC source and generated installers & DLLs are included.


Philip Newton <philip.newton at gmail.com>

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