[conlang_learners] ADMIN (?)

Arthaey Angosii arthaey at gmail.com
Sat Jun 13 11:42:26 PDT 2009

2009/6/13 Roger Mills <rfmilly at msn.com>:
> Why are the links not clickable in _my_ emails, but they are in others'?????

Short answer: It's probably because of your email client.

Long answer: There are 2 ways to make a clickable link in an email.
First, the email can actually be an HTML document and your email
client can render it like a mini web page. This isn't the case for
most of the emails on this list. Or, second, your email client could
scan through the text of an email, recognize anything that looks like
a link, and automatically make it clickable for you.

What email client do you use? Perhaps it's an option somewhere to make
it turn URLs into real links.


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