[conlang_learners] Voting mechanisms

Mechthild Czapp 0zu149 at gmx.de
Sat Jun 13 06:19:51 PDT 2009

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 16:02:31 -0400
> Von: Jim Henry <jimhenry1973 at gmail.com>
> An: People jointly deciding on a conlang to learn and learning it together <conlang_learners at conlang.org>
> Betreff: [conlang_learners] Voting mechanisms

> Long before we vote on what conlang to learn (probably about
> September) we should come to a consensus about what voting mechanism
> we'll use. 
I for one would like to see IRV being used. For no other reason than that it has finer preferences than Approval Voting. 
> Another issue is whether to have a secret ballot or open ballot.  The
> only reason I can think of to have a secret ballot would be to avoid
> bruising the ego of anyone who is participating in the project and has
> a conlang of their own in the running, whether nominated by themselves
> or by someone else.
I would suggest a secret ballot. It prevents all that tactical BS which otherwise might happen.

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