[conlang_learners] What will you do the first day?

Mechthild Czapp 0zu149 at gmx.de
Wed Jul 8 04:52:18 PDT 2009

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 18:34:29 -0400
> Von: Brett Williams <mungojelly at gmail.com>
> An: conlang_learners at conlang.org
> Betreff: [conlang_learners] What will you do the first day?

> I've been feeling impatient about choosing the language, haven't you?
> I mean I do think it makes sense to set a longish schedule like this,
> but of course what I'm mostly looking forward to is learning the
> language, and I'm curious to see what we'll choose.  I don't much care
> which language, as I think many of us don't; it's more the experience
> of learning it together.  So I'm looking forward to getting started,
> to see what it's like.
> So what will you do the first day?

Change my keyboard layout to allow to type the new characters. Probably I will also attempt to pronounce words correctly and record that for the times, I am unsure how something is said. I'd share that with people but fear that they would mind my accent. *blushes*

Should we create a respository like on github for our created material?
Va'xen tekne'het jasam alna! Va'xen tekne'het ojyu alna! Va'xen tekne'het tene'xen!
Let us make the world more colorful! Let us make the world crazier! Let us make the world our world!

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