[conlang_learners] Conlang Learners Vote list

Padraic Brown elemtilas at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 30 17:44:22 PDT 2009

--- On Sun, 8/30/09, Jim Henry <jimhenry1973 at gmail.com> wrote:

> The only question remaining, perhaps, is what to do with
> conlangs whose creator hasn't yet given permission for us to use
> them.  Padraic
> suggested disqualifying them from eligibility to receive
> votes; does anyone else want to do that?

I suggested that because the creator in question might not want to participate for any number of reasons. For example, Sally Caves is a college prof and probably would not have much time to devote to teaching Teonaht, though I think it would be a fab language to learn. I haven't heard from her, so can't say for certain. Me, I would strike it from the list and perhaps recycle it next time.

> I would prefer to let people rank any
> conlangs on the list of nominees however they want. 

I have no problem with that! My concern wasn't so much with how well folks like it, but with conlanger cooperation and availability! If the creator of the most popular choice is unwilling to allow his conlang to be used this way, or is unable to teach -- then it seems to me that the ranking of that conlang, the choice of that conlang and the anticipation of learning that conlang is all for naught.

> Some of the
> conlang creators who haven't responded to our inquiries yet
> may
> respond sometime before September 8; and if the conlang
> chosen by the
> vote is one we don't yet have permission to use, the vote
> counters can
> try again to contact the creator, and revert to the
> runner-up if they
> can't contact them reasonably quickly (say, by 17
> September).  Does that make sense?

I would still prefer a firm list before the voting starts. Make life easy for all concerned! If a conlanger hasn't responded by now, they're probably not going to. That way, everyone involved -- learners as well as creators, knows in advance what is involved and is ready to get started without the hassle of not really knowing if the chosen language's creator is up to the task of facilitating everyone else's learning it!

Certainly, you can do it however the group decides -- I'm just trying to think of possible problems and ways to avoid them beforehand. Rather than inviting problems in and waiting to devise a work-around later, if needed.


> Jim Henry

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