[conlang_learners] Conlang Learners Vote list

Jim Henry jimhenry1973 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 12:30:47 PDT 2009

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Amanda Babcock
Furrow<langs at quandary.org> wrote:
> I too have received both of these emails.  Looking good...

Good.  I've updated the voting procedure wiki page:


I think we're about set.  I'm working on getting a list of eligible
voters' email addresses, but I've misremembered my lists.conlang.org
password and I'm waiting for Sai to send me a new one.

The only question remaining, perhaps, is what to do with conlangs
whose creator hasn't yet given permission for us to use them.  Padraic
suggested disqualifying them from eligibility to receive votes; does
anyone else want to do that?  I would prefer to let people rank any
conlangs on the list of nominees however they want.  Some of the
conlang creators who haven't responded to our inquiries yet may
respond sometime before September 8; and if the conlang chosen by the
vote is one we don't yet have permission to use, the vote counters can
try again to contact the creator, and revert to the runner-up if they
can't contact them reasonably quickly (say, by 17 September).  Does
that make sense?

Jim Henry

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