[conlang_learners] We're back!

Jim Henry jimhenry1973 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 06:03:47 PDT 2009

2009/8/20 Olivier Simon <cafaristeir at yahoo.com>:
> Sellamat prients !

It looks like the list, or rather the DNS tables that are supposed to
point to conlang.org and lists.conlang.org, are working correctly

While the listserv was unavailable, I corresponded offline with a few
people about the project.  I'll forward some of those messages to the
list a little later; for now I'll summarize:

1. Between Padraic and I we've contacted or attempted to contact most
of the conlang creators whose permission we didn't yet have to use
their conlang for the project.  Sylvia Sotomayor, John Quijada, Jim
Hopkins and Tony Harris have all said yes.  Some others haven't
replied yet.  Padraic and I have updated the learners' shortlist.

2. Matthew Turnbull volunteered to count votes.  It would be nice to
have a third volunteer to count votes, but I don't think it's
absolutely necessary.

3. Itlani's documentation is no longer online, but Jim Hopkins said he
could send it to us by email.  I've asked him to send it to me, and
I'll try to write a review of it well before the voting begins, and
help him find a new online home for the language whether Itlani is
chosen for the conlang_learners project or not.  Assuming he sends me
the documentation soon, I'll forward it to anyone who asks for it.

4. John Quijada recommends using Illaksh, if we want to use one of his
languages, as it was designed to be easier to pronounce than Ithkuil.

5. Tony Harris says that the documentation at alurhsa.org is correct
as far as it goes, but he has newer, more complete documentation he
could send us by email if we choose Alurhsa for the project.

Jim Henry

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